
A mocking response to great promises or threats that come to nothing.
SOURCE: Stutchkoff, Der Oytser fun der Yidisher Shprakh.

דער באַרג האָט געבוירן אַ מײַזל.

Der barg hot geboyrn a mayzl.

The mountain gave birth to a mouse.


SOURCE: Bernstein, Jüdische Sprichwörter und Redensarten.
(details from paintings by Lucas Cranach the Elder and a follower of Hieronymus Bosch)

דאָס גן–עדן און דאָס גיהנום קען מען האָבן אויף דער וועלט.

Dos gan-eydn un dos gehenem ken men hobn af der velt.

Both heaven and hell can be had in this world.


Love is blind.   SOURCE: Stutchkoff, Der Oytser fun der Yidisher Shprakh.

חתן–כּלה האָבן גלעזערנע אויגן.

Khosn-kale hobn glezerne oygn.

Bride and groom have glass eyes.